Every day, Rabbi Kramer is coming up with new ideas for engagement and strengthening the Jewish community. Here are a few recent collaborative creations:
Building Your Palace in Time: Creating Sacred Space and Sacred Time is an educational program to empower families to enhance their ritual and spiritual life at home.
The current pandemic has enabled a unique opportunity for creativity and innovation. We have completely scrapped our previous Religious School Model for an all-virtual, family, “in a box”, backward design, exciting experience. This curriculum will have a multi-dimensional approach with many avenues for the entire family to get involved. The curriculum will give families the tools to celebrate Jewish holidays and rituals in a more meaningful way.
With High Holy Day Services virtual due to COVID-19, Rabbi Kramer wanted a dynamic way for story telling during the Children’s Service. Rabbi Kramer received permission from her childhood rabbi, Sam Karff z’’l to illustrate, “The Land of No Second Chances.” She then partnered with URJ 6 Points Sci-Tech to digitally illustrate the story, and distributed it to over 50 synagogues nationwide to use this year.
Rabbi Kramer initiated and curated a video project in conjunction with the WRN- Women's Rabbinic Network and 58 WRN rabbis for the month of Elul. This initiative will be viewed by thousands of participants in over 60 congregations around the world.
Elul is the Hebrew month leading up to the High Holy Days. During this month we are encouraged to take a deep look inwards.
Rabbi Kramer has recently taken up baking and shared her love of bread with those in her community. This video features Rabbi Kramer and her daughter, Noa, teaching how to make Challah. This has inspired people near and far to bake challah for Shabbat. Additionally, Rabbi Kramer along with other participating congregants have had challah “bake sales” and raised thousands of dollars for the local food pantry.